The logo, nothing interesting here

A corner Another corner Oh look, another corner Home Corner here, corner there, corner everywhere
Avalon Mist Software Homepage
Games made by Avalon Mist Software
Applications made by Avalon Mist Software
News regarding Avalon Mist Software
E-Mail the webmaster at Avalon Mist Software
Learn more about Avalon Mist Software
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Change Border


Dark Spring Studios

Important: Some of the information on the site may be out of date, see the news page for more information

Welcome! This site has been optimized for any resolution and should resize to fit your screen without using frames (which are not always supported) and add a few extra little things in Internet Explorer (like the the blue scroll bar;)) Anyway, here you can find all of my games and appliations made with (for the most part) Multimedia Fusion. If you have any questions, comments or compatibility issues you can E-mail me. Use the menu on the left to navigate, Have fun!=)

Note: I have found two compatibility issues with Mozilla, These seem to be issues with Mozilla, they are:
  • A small break in the border at the top on all pages
  • The background being green instead of the actual image color of blue (this seems to be fixed with Mozilla 1.1 but I haven't confirmed this)

P.S. There are also some secrets that link to various hidden parts of the site, here are some hints to find them:

  • Look for something where there appears to be nothing
  • The Ruby is the key
  • Does that corner look strange to you?
Good luck!=)

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Hit's since Tuesday, 14, May, 2002:

A secret!
Too many damn corners on this site It's.. Another corner *dramatic chord* Why are you mousing over corners? Another corner, how quaint
A hidden tooltip!A hidden tooltip!
Background image courtesy of the Multimedia Fusion Libraries, Counter and Mailing List by   Bravenet.
All other content © 2001-2002 Avalon Mist Software.

Best Viewed in Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.