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A corner Another corner Oh look, another corner Demos Corner here, corner there, corner everywhere
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Demos of up coming games

Welcome, use the links below to download some demos of upcoming games.
Note that these are not finished games by any means, while all games have been tested Avalon Mist Software takes no responsibility for damage done by running these demos.

Well then, if I didn't scare you away with that disclaimer here you go:

X Track
A demo of the title screen and gameplay of X Track, Click any menu option to start. Arrow keys control the car (up=accelerate down=brake left/right=turn).

The Experiment A demo (mainly) of the title screen in The Experiment. Also a bit of story and a preview of some of the graphics.. arrow keys move the ship, shift fires a laser sword.

IsoMAZEric My first game attempt with Game Maker 4.2a, a simple isometric maze game. Arrow keys move the block.
Too many damn corners on this site It's.. Another corner *dramatic chord* Why are you mousing over corners? Another corner, how quaint
Another hidden tooltip!Another hidden tooltip!
Background image courtesy of the Multimedia Fusion Libraries.
All other content © 2001-2002 Avalon Mist Software.

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