Wow, you must really be bored, either that or you clicked a wrong link.. Anyway, Avalon Mist Software was started in June 2001(I started created games sometime
in early 2000) and is currently me(webmaster/designer/programmer), Magnus "Overtilt" Hølvold (artist), "Fooyee" (unconfirmed artist) and Gregory "Wolverine" and Gary "Laldiienu" Collins
(unofficial beta testers), a change in graphics will probably be seen soon=) I mostly deal with Medieval Fantasy RPGs but occasionally create something else on a whim=) All
games and applications here at Avalon Mist Software(With the exception of CoD1, made with Klik 'n Play and spacewar, made in The Games Factory, both also made by
Clickteam) are made with Multimedia Fusion by Clickteam and all 3D images are
made with Cool 3D by Ulead. That's about it, I would love to hear some feedback so if you have something to say
Email me, thanks!=)
*I'm almost always on Instant messenger so if there's something urgent you need to contact me about try my AIM.