________ _________ _ _ ________ ___ _ ______ _____ _ | ______| |___ ___| | | | | | ______| | \ | | | ___ \ |_ _| | | | |______ | | | |___| | | |______ | |\ \ | | | |__/ | | | | | | ______| | | | ___ | | ______| | | \ \ | | | __ / | | | | | |______ | | | | | | | |______ | | \ \| | | | \ \ _| |_ | |_____ |________| |_| |_| |_| |________| |_| \___| |_| \_\ |_____| |_______| WORLD MAP
------------------------------ _______________ _________ | MAP LEDGEND | ____/ \_____________ ___________ ______________/ \______ ------------------------------ / \______________________ _______/ \_______ __/ \ | * = Tree Cluster | / \___/ \_______________________/ \ | + = House Cluster | | ______ _____ ___ \ | = or || = Port or bridge | | / \ / \ / \ | | # = Note Number | \ ___ _ _ __ | ------------------------------ \ / \ |_|____|_| / \ | \ _________ | | / \_____ / \ | || | / \ |___||___| \ \_______________ __________ Goblin Castle#29^ _________ | \ / \ / \ | \ \ | Northern Wastes#30 | | \ | ____ | Solistan Sea#2 \______ / \ | \__ | \ / \ __________________ __ / | / \ / \ | | | \______________ ____/ \ ___________ / | _ / \_____________/ | ___________________________/ \_______/ \_____________________/ Solistan Sea#2 ------------------------------ | NAME: Northern Wastes#28 | ------------------------------ | RACE: Goblins#31 | ------------------------------ | DESCRIPTION: The world's | |northern polar cap, home of | |the Goblins. | ------------------------------ . /#\ |%| ___|%|___ / |%| \ / _|%| \ ------------------------------ __| | \\ |] |__ | NAME: Arrenia#18 | <__|W | |\\|] E|__> ------------------------------ | |_| \_] | | RACE: Elven#27 | \ / ------------------------------ \____S____/ | DESCRIPTION: Mainly forest,| | | |home of the Elves. Also the | \_/ |resting place of Gandur the | |dragon. | ------------------------------ ____________ ____ _________ / \ _____________ ___||___/ \_______ / \ Solistan Sea#2 / \ / \________ / + + /\ \________________/ | / Tindel#13 \ / /\ \_________/ + / \ /\ | ___/ + + + | / / \ /\ /\ /\ Suvisun/\/ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \ /\ \ __/ |+ + +|= | /\/ \ / \/\/ \ /\ / \ #25 / / MT. \/ \ / \/ \/ \ /\/ \ / \ \ ------------------------------ / / | | / \ / \ \ /\ / \/ /\ / /Onisa#24\ \ / \ \/ \/\ \ / \ | | NAME: Cyril#1 | ____/ / / \ / /\\~~~/ \ \~/ \/ \~~/ \ / / \~~~\~/ \~~/ / \~~~/ /\\ | ------------------------------ / * / / |~~/ \\ /~~~~~~~~\~/ / \/ \/~/~~~~~~~~~~~~\ / \/~~~/~~~~\ / / \\ | | RACE: Human#26 | / / __/ \/~~~~\/ \~~~/~~~~~~~~\~~~~~\/ \ /~~~~~~~~~~\ / \~~~~/~~~~\\| ------------------------------ | / / | * | Northern Mountains#20 / | DESCRIPTION: Starting cont-| | / / | * Icewind Pass#23 * / |inent, home of the dragon | | ___/* / / * * __________________ * / |lord Solosis. | \ / | |_________ _____/ \ * _________________| ------------------------------ | / ___/ | \________________/ \_____________/ ***** \ _ ________________ | / / | **** ************** ********** ***************** | / \_______ _________/ \ ___ / * __/ | / *************************************************************************** | ________/\ ___ ____||____ / \_/ | \___ _____________/ \____/ ____/ | / ******************************************************************************** \ / \_________/ \ / + \/ | * \_/ */ \* / | *************************** ******* ************************************ | / | |-River Elong#16 | *| |* * / | ***************************** *|_| * ** |_| ********************************* | / |-|___|-|-Charus#15 | |* /\ /\ | | |* / | ******************** | |_______| | ************************** | | | | / | /\ /__\ / \ | * \____/* | | ********************** + * +| ___ |+ + * ********************** | | |_______| / / /__\ | * */** * / \ ******************* *| ||||| | * ************************* / \ / \ __/ /* /\ * | / / \ ******************* * + | ||||| | + + ************************* / | / __/ /\ /__\ | ________/ | \ ******************** + |___|||||___|+ * ************************* + | | Charus Fields#8 / /* /__\ /\ / /* * | | ********************* * * + + + + ********************Gallian +|= | / /* /__\ / Ciolith Desert#6 / ___/ | ********************** + * + * + + * *******************Port#21 + |= / |=| * /\ / / / | *********************** + + + * Gallain#22*********************** + +|= \ ______/ / + + /__\ / / / / **************************** * * ************************************ | \ ____/ _____/ + + Giondir#14 | / / | *************************************************************************** \ \_____/ / /* + + | * / \ | ******************************************************************************** \ | *| | Shadowed /\ \ ____________**/ | / ******************************************************************************* \ | *| | /\Hills#7 /__\ \ __/ *\/ / | ***************************************************************************** | | | |*/__\ /\ * \ */ \* \ / _ / ********************************************************************************** | / /\ \ /\ * /__\ | | |* \ / / | | *********************************Omifan Forest#19************************************ | / /__\ \ /__\ /| *\__/* \______________/ /*/ | ************************************************************************************ / / *| |/\ * / | * * * */ / \ | ********************************************************************************** / \ /\ / /__\ /\ / \ ____River Taldur#17-/ /* | | ******************************************************************************** | \ /__\ | /* /__\ * / \__________________ / \_____________/ /____/ ______ \ ******************************************************************************* | | *| | __________/ \_____________/ _______/ / / ________ _____/ \__ \ **************************************************************************** / | *| |* _________ / * / /* / / /\ \ __________________ __/ \___ \ ********************************************** ******************** | |__ | |* / * \ * / * * * */ _______/* \ / / \ \ ___/ /\ \__________ _/ /\ /\ \ | ************** *************** ************** __/ / \_____| |____/ \_______/ * / / * | / / \ \________/ / \ /\ /\ \_____/ / \/ \ /\ \ | ********* ******** /\_____ ***** \ | / / /\ Osiron mountains#5 /\ */ /\| / | / /\ \ /\ /\ /~~~~\ / \ /\ / \ /\ / \ \/ \ /\ | \ ***** ________ _/ \_ / \ *| /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /~~\/\ /\ /\ /\ / \ /\ /\ /\ /\ |/~~\ /\ | \ / \ /\ / \ / \ / \/ \/ \ / \ / \/ /\ \ / \ / \ | \ ____/ \___ ________/ \ __________/ | /\ /\/~~\/ \/~~\/\ /\/~~\ /\ /~~\/ /\~\ /~~\/\ /~~\/~~\/\ /~~~~\/~~\/\ /~~\/~~\/\/~~\/ \/\ /~~\ | | / \/ \/ \/ / \ / \/ \ /\ / \ / \ \/ \/ \ | \___________/ \_________/ \_____/ | /~~\/~~\ /~~~~\ /~~\/~/ \/~~\/ \ /~~\ \/ /~~\/ \ /~~\/ \ \~/ \ \/ \ /~~\/ /\ \ | / / /\ \ \ / \ / \ / \/ \/ \/ \ \ / / / / \/ \/ \/ / \ \/ \/ / \ \/ / \ / \ / \ / _ \ /~~\ | |/ /\ / / \ \ \/\ \/ /\ / \ / \ /\ \ / \ /___/____/ \______/______\____/______\____/______\__/______\_____\__/__________\_/________\/________\/_/ \__\/____\ | / / \ / \ / \ /\ \ /~~\ / \ /\/ \ / \/\ | |_________| |__ * ____ ** ____ *__________ * _________ *| | / / / \/ /\ \/\ / \ /~~\ \ / \/ \/ ~\ /\ \/ \ \ | | * * / / * \_/ * \____/ *\_______/ * *\______/ * \ ____________________________/ /___________| / / \ / \/ \/ \ / \ \ / \ /~~ \ / \/ \ \ \ | *****| |*************************************************** \ * / * / /* | / / / \ \ / \ / \ / ~~~ \ / \ \ | \ ****| |************************************************* * \__/ The Greenlands#3 */ / * | =|+ +Krundan /\ / \ \/ \/\/ /\ /~~~~~~~~\/ \ /\ \/\ \ |******\ \************************************************** * * / * _______ * _____/ /* * | =| + Port#43/ \/ \ /\/ / \ / \ / \ /\/ \ / \ | | *****\ \************************************************ * / / \_/ | \ =|+ / \ /\ / \ /\ / \ / \/ MT. \ / \ \/ \ | Solistan Sea#2 / *******\ \************************************************* */ | / / \ /\ / \ /~~\ / \ / \/ \ /\/ / Kalinder#41 \ / \ / /\ \ | / ********\ \************Fithral Forst#4******************** * / | / * | \ / \/ \/ \ / \/ \ \/ \ / \/ \/ / \ \ \ ___ / *******| |************************************************* / * | Lake | + + + / |/ / /\ / \/ \/\ \ /\ / \ / \ / / \ \ \ _________ / \_________ \ *********/ /********************************* ___ ********* * / \ Unar#10 | + + + + \ | /\ / \/ \ / \ \/ \/ \/ \ /\/ \ \ \ ____/ \_________/ \____ _______ _ ______ | *Sulith#11- + + ***************************| |******** * / * \ |* + + + * \ / / \ / \ /\ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /\ \ _/ _ \___________/ \/ \__/ \__ | ******| | + + + +***************************|___|********* * | * \ __________/ ^ + +|= | / \/ \ / \ \ /\/ \/ /\ \ / \/ \ /\/ \ | ___/ / \ __________ _________ \_ =|+ *******\ \ + + + ***Temple of the Guardians#12^*********** * *| * */ / * * * * Isebrin#9 +_|= | / /\ / \/\/ \ \/ \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ | / /___\ / \ / \ \ \ *******\ \************************************************* | / /* / | / / \ / \ \/ \ /\ \/ \ \/ ___ \ / \ \ / / _ / | ___________ \ \ * | |* * * * * ** * * * | * *| | * * / | / \ /\ / \ / \ / \/ \/ / \ -Krundan#42 \ / \/\ \ / / \ | \ / \ | \____ * | | ___ * * * * | | | * ____ / \ / /\ / \ /\ \ / \/ \ / | | \ / /\ / \ \ | /___\ _ \_ / \ \___/ \_/ \_ * * * * * * * * |* * _______/ /* _____/ \____/ // / \/ \/ \ \//\ / \ //\ | | /\ \ / \ \ | | _ / \ \_________/ \ \____ * * * ___ *___ * | / \* / / / \ /~~~~\ / \ /\ \ / \ /\ / \ / \ \ | / / \ /___\ Akan a Kenia#33 | \____________/\ * __/ \/ \ *| ____/ \_______/ / / \ / \ / \ / \ /\/ \/ \ /\ / \ /\ / \ | / /___\ The Burial Mounds#34 ___________ \ \_______/ \__|___/ / / \/ \ / \/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / /\ \ | | _ ________ / \ \ | / /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ \/ \/ / \ \ / | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ /\ \/\/ \/ /\ \ / \ /\ / \ / /\\ / \ _ /___\ _______ | | / \/ /\ \ / \ / \ /\\ / \ \ /\ \ / \/ \/ / \\ / \ / \ _ / \ | \ / \ / \ \/ \ / \ / \\/ /\\ \ / \ \/ \ \ / \\ | | /___\ / \ \ \ / /\ \ /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ /Gangur Mountains#40 /\ /\/ \ | | /___\ _____________ | | / \ \ / \/ \ \ / \ \/ \\ / \/ /\ / \ / \ \| \ _ __________ / \ | | / \ / \ \ / \ / \/ \/ \ / \ / \ \ \ / \ / \ The Dead Plains#35 / | / \/ \ /\ / \ / \ / \ \/ \ \ | /___\ / \/ / /\ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ | | ________ / \____ / \ / \ _________________ / \ / \ / | _ + Ruins of / \ | \ / \ / \__/ \ ______________ / \ / / / \ + + Kovisun #36 ____ | \_ / \ _/ \________/ \ _________/ / /___\ + + / \ | \_________________/ \_______/ | __________ + / \ | / / \ / \ \ / ___________ / MT. \ \_______ | / \ / Onikan #37 \ \_______ ------------------------------ | / \ \ Solistan Sea#2 | NAME: Keldin#39 | | ___________ / \ | ------------------------------ | / \ | | RACE: Dwarves#44 | \ ______ __/ ------------------------------ \ / \ _________ ______ ___/ | DESCRIPTION: Home of the | \_______/ \ / \ _____________ / \ _______/ |dwarves, completely covered | | / \_ _______/ |with mountains. | / _________/ \__ _/ ------------------------------ \ ________/ \________________/ \_______________/ ------------------------------ | NAME: Land of the Dead#32 | ------------------------------ | RACE: Undead#38 | ------------------------------ | DESCRIPTION: The Land of | |the dead. Where the elves | |buried their dead after wars| |now haunted by undead. | ------------------------------

 ___   _     _____     _______    ______     _____
|   \ | |   / ___ \   |__   __|  |  ____|   / ____|  
| |\ \| |  | |   | |     | |     | |____   | |____    ||
| | \ | |  | |   | |     | |     |  ____|   \___  \
| |  \  |  | |___| |     | |     | |____    ____| |   ||
|_|   \_|   \_____/      |_|     |______|  |______/

#1 - Cyril: Ethenril's main continent is inhabited by Humans(#26) and has the most diversity of any of the lands. Four of main areas of the continent are run by different Human factions, but the Osiron Mountains that run the width of the continent near the center are home to the Dragon Lord Solosis(#46). Another notable area of the continent is Castle Charus which rests in the North-East corner of the continent, See note #15 for more information.

#2 - Solisan Sea: The sea covering most of the world. It produces a thick fog, making it difficult and dangerous to navigate, which explains the limited trading between non-hostile races.

#3 - The Greenlands: Wide rolling plains which are home to the largest of the four Human factions inhabiting Cyril(#1). Lake Umar(#10) is also within this region, making the area popular with fishermen.

#4 - Fithral Forest: The great forest in the south-Western corner of Cyril(#1). Not only the only place to find Druids on Cyril but also home to of only two working ports on the continent.

#5 - Osiron Mountains: The mountains that divide the northern and southern halves of Cyril(#1), home of the Dragon Lord Solosis(#46). Few dare to venture into the mountains, and even fewer attempt to search the vast caves in search of the treasure rumored to rest in the mountains.

#6 - Ciolith Desert: The largest region on Cyril(#1), the Ciolith Desert is abundant with various rare alchemy ingredients, but due to the danger of the Osiron Mountains(#5) shipments from the south are rare and some ingredients are difficult to obtain.

#7 - Shadowed Hills: The foot hills that line the eastern bank of River Elong(#16), a small town still manages to thrive here but few wish to stay this close to the ruins of Charus(#15) so the area is mostly uninhabited.

#8 - Charus Fields: The fields surrounding the ruins of Charus(#15), nothing lives or grows in this place so it's rarely visited.

#9 - Isebrin: The bustling Human(#26) town in The Greenlands(#3), the trade central of Cyril and the best place to find armor and weapons due to shipments from Keldin(#36). Also the starting point of the game.

#10 - Lake Umar: The main source of water for Isebrin(#9), Lake Unar is also a very popular fishing spot. A secret passage is rumored to have been built at the bottom, though noone knows where it leads if it does exsist.

#11 - Sulith: Also known as 'The City of Tears', Sulith was where the final battle was fought in the War of Tears(#46) before Zoran's downfall. Sulith is also the magic central of Cyril(#1), Sulith is situated in the South-Western corner of Fithral Forest(#4), which is still minorly enchanted by the elves(#27) that once lived there. A large number of Druids, Wizards, and other magic users tend to gather here for the peace and the ancient lore books held in the library there.

#12 - Temple of the guardians: A mysterious temple which was sealed by the elves(#27) long ago, in the age of the firstborn(#46). The only hint to it's secret are the words 'Only the guardian may enter' carved in elvish above the door.

#13 - Tindel: The best place in all the lands to find Alchemy ingredients, due to it's location Tendil is also the only place to find some rare potions aside from making them.

#14 - Giondir: Also know as 'New Giondir' this small town was built on top of where the old city once was before the War of Tears(#46) when it was burned to the ground by an assault from Charus(#15). Giondir has few residents but many of those who do live there were part of the War of Tears and are very highly skilled in combat and blacksmithing.

#15 - Charus: The ruins of the castle Charus, once the greatest structure in Cyril(#1), it was reduced to rubble during the Dark Age(#46) when Zoran and his minions inhabited it and the surrounding areas. The castle is still haunted by evil spirits and foul creatures to this day so few dare to venture into the ruins.

#16 - River Elong: The river running from the north-western corner of Cyril(#1) to the south-western corner. Once used as a defensive tool for holding armies at bay from the east during the reign of King Glendon V(#46), it is also the main source of water in Sulith(#11).

#17 - River Taldur: The river that feeds Lake Unar(#10) and the Creeks that create the Oasis' in the Ciolith Desert(#6). It is also commonly used for shipping goods downstream from Isebrin(#9) to Tendil(#13).

#18 - Arrenia: The land of the elves(#27), once an undead stronghold that was part of The Land of the Dead(#32) it is now only a mere half of what it once was after the War of the Dead(#46) when a very powerful elven mage split the continent and sunk much of it's center into the ocean. the entire continent is now controlled by elves and has been enchanted by their presence. Arrenia is the best place in the world to find Lore information and learn of magic, every apprentice dreams of seeing the great library at Gallian(#22) but few other than elves ever see this land, not only because of the elves' discouragement of visitors but also because of the dangerous journey over the Solisan Sea(#2).

#19 - Omifan Forest: The enchanted forest surrounding the elven city of Gallain(#22).

#20 - Northern Mountains: The Icy mountains on the northern end of Arrenia(#18). Home to the dragon Gandur, one of the four protectors of the elements(#46).

#21 - Gallain Port: Gallains(#22) port town on the eastern coast of Arrenia(#18).

#22 - Gallain: The elven(#27) city in the northern end of the Omifan forest(#19), though famous for both it's magic and it's lore Gallain is but a shadow of what the elven empire(#46) once was, the great library that rests within the walls of the great palace is the largest compilation of lore in this world. Unfortunately all the books are in elvish and few are allowed to enter Arrenia(#18), let alone be taught the elvish language. There are however some very powerful scrolls and pendants available for trade from the elves if you happen to be a master of the runes, though all are a small fraction of the power the elves wield.

#23 - Icewind Pass: The treacherous pass connecting the southern areas of Arrenia(#18) and northern town of Suvisun(#25).

#24 - Mount Onisa: Or 'Mountain of the blue flame', the resting place of Gandur the dragon, one of the four protectors of the elements(#46). Mount Onisa was originally an elven(#27) royal treasury, and still contains the original treasure along with what has been collected by Gandur over the years.

#25 - Suvisun: Elvish for winter, Suvisun is a small elvish(#27) port town on the northern edge of Arrenia(#18). Suvisun is the only town that will trade with Goblins(#31), though it's still rare due to the Goblins' hostility and lack of items of value, especially to the elves(#27).

#26 - Humans: Though now the majority race on the planet humans merely took advantage of the fall of the Elven empire(#46). Though the humans' scavenger style has caused some irritability on the elven(#27) side, the Humans and Elves are generally peaceful with one another and some trading has occurred between the races, though this is somewhat rare. Humans have a long history of bloodshed, though mostly between themselves, because of this Humans usually band together in small guilds or factions to avoid conflict based on beliefs and class. Though humans are very hostile with each other very few conflicts between Humans and other races have occurred, possibly because due to humans' short life spans (around 70 to 90 years) which cause them to fear the other races, particularly the elves because of their great power.

#27 - Elves: Elves are tall pale skinned humanoids that are usually very skilled and intelligent, and have natural magical abilities. The Elves have a long history, preferring to refer to themselves as 'The firstborn'(#46) the elves were the first sentient creatures to inhabit the planet. Ruling for over 3000 years the Elven empire finally fell due to conflicts with the undead(#35) and the Goblins(#31), since then the elves have nearly disappeared, retreating to a small continent they captured from the undead in The War of the Dead(#46). Elves are well known for their extremely long life spans, living an average of about 750 human years, with the oldest recorded being 997 at the time of death. Battle wise elves have never fought amongst themselves, and are a fearsome foe. Though skilled at both elves generally prefer spell over blade in battle. Due to their long life spans the elves rarely fear death, and so fight without fear or hesitation. The elves are generally peaceful with the humans(#26) and dwarves(#41), But some minor conflicts have occurred, mostly with the humans.

#28 - Northern Wastes (continent): The northern polar cap of the planet, the Northern wastes are just that: Waste lands, all that manages to survive there are the Goblins(#31).

#29 - Goblin Castle: The home of the goblins, the castle was not actually built by the goblins as they have little intelligence, rather it was once an elven outpost in the age of the firstborn(#46).

#30 - Northern Wastes: The waste lands that make up the northern polar cap, mostly just barren fields of snow the only thing that lives here are the goblins(#31).

#31 - Goblins: Goblins are short, hunchbacked creatures that usually have pale blue or green skin. Despite their frail appearance goblins are quite sturdy and usually overcome obstacles by sheer numbers. Goblins generally think of anything that they can kill as food and are usually hostile with other races, though trading does sometimes occur between goblins and elves, mostly due to the goblins' need of food, but this is extremely rare. Noone really know the origin of the goblins but some say they're an ancestor to the dwarves(#41).

#32 - The Land of the Dead: Once a great burial ground from the Elven Wars(#46) it is now inhabited by hordes of undead(#35) elven(#27) and human(#26) corpses. Most believe the cause of this to be a great elven necromancer who created an undead army to attempt to overthrow the elven king, but due to his lack of experience the undead turned on him and now roam free, their former master now part of their ranks.

#33 - Akan a Kenia: Elvish for "Lake of Stars", a magical temple, abandoned during the war of the dead and now laying in ruin. But despite the lack of upkeep this place still holds great magical power, it is said that the great cub in the center holds a store of extremely powerful and valuable scrolls, though no enterance has ever been found.

#34 - The Burial Mounds: An undead(#35) "City" of sorts, a great gathering place for the undead that inhabit the land.

#35 - The Dead Plains: What were once the greenlands of Arrenia(#18) before The War of the Dead(#46). Now a barren wasteland inhabited by the Undead(#35). The only notable place in this wasteland is Mount Onikan(#

#36 - Undead:

#39 - Keldin:

#40 - Gangur Mountains:

#41 - Mount Kalinder:

#42 - Krundan:

#43 - Krundan Port:

#44 - Dwarves:

#46 - Lore: To find more information on the history of Ethenril and it's inhabitants see 'The Ethenrilian Encylopedia'.