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Dark Spring Studios

Castle of Darkness 2 Remake

Quick Facts

Title: Castle of Darkness 2 Remake
Genre: Fantasy/RPG
Progress: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||      73%
Version: 1.8 Development
Description: The original Castle of Darkness 2 was lost in a hard drive failure, a Remake is currently in progress.
Features: -Storyline taking place some time before the start of Castle of Darkness 3
-3 items 3 spells and 4 weapons
-Several dungeons to explore
-Lots of enemies to fight
Screen Shots: N/A
File Size: N/A
Download links: N/A
Too many damn corners on this site It's.. Another corner *dramatic chord* Why are you mousing over corners? Another corner, how quaint
I'm running out of witty (or not so witty) remarksI'm running out of witty (or not so witty) remarks
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